Default User Group Join Group Members 660 Details This the default user group. All existing registered users are automatically assigned this group. Groups can be modified or deleted by the admin. Members Sort by Oldest Newest First Name Alphabetically A - Z First Name Alphabetically Z - A Last Name Alphabetically A - Z Last Name Alphabetically Z- A Select a Field UsernameSurnameFirst NameMiddle NameEmailState of OriginArea of SpecializationRegistration ForHighest QualificationsState of ResidenceState Study CenterCenter LocationLocal Government AreaMarital StatusDate of EnrollmentGenderAddressPhone NumberRegistration NumberPreferred Lecture StatusPayment CodeNomination of 3 persons you wish to REGISTER for these programs (1st Person)2nd Person3rd Person DONALD CHIKA BENEDETTE CHINELO GREGORY NWAFOR CHUKUEMEKA NIL EMEKAOKAFOR NIL CHIIOKE NIL NDUKAIFE NIL UZOECHINA NIL MMAOZO NIL CHUKUEMEKA NIL « 1 2 3 4 5 … 66 »